Good Mental Health Matters

Everyone talks about their physical health, which is important. However, we want to talk about Mental Health... which is just as important!

Good mental health really matters for young people in Girlguiding in Kent. Many people are talking about the rising need for mental health support with many issues widely understood to have their roots in childhood. Around 75% of serious adult mental illness is caused by sustained anxiety, and 50% of such problems take root before the age of fourteen.

Girlguiding in Kent alongside the NHS and the Drummer Agency have worked together to create this AWESOME resource to help members become more aware of their own mental health and to support them in looking after their Mental Health.

I'm aleader

As a leader you can expand your own knowledge and support your young people in many ways with this scheme.

The main benefit is being able to download the resources to support your existing section programme!

Information for leaders

I'm a parentparent

Good Mental Health support doesn't stop after the young people leave their weekly meeting!

Our resources will aid the continued learning and support at home too!

Information for parents

I'm a member

How can you help you? We know that many Girlguiding members are get up and go people, so our resources are suitable to be done at home too, in your own time!

Mental Health is a tough subject that takes time to understand and our resources allow you to learn at your own pace!

Information for members

Good Mental Health REALLY Matters

Everybody struggles, occasionally, with feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed or under too much pressure.

About good mental health matters